Your time is valuable, so why recreate the wheel?
We have located great resources for you through NyFF and other partnering entities and grouped them here for easy access.


Publications are provided for educational purposes only and not intended for resale.

Bright Futures
Provides information regarding eligibility and application procedures for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program.

Brochure Qty:    Poster Qty:   

Career Planning
Provides helpful information for resume prep, interview skills, networking and developing a career portfolio.

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Provides link to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to help promote federal financial aid.

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Financial Aid
Provides options to pay for post-secondary education including federal and state grants, scholarships as well as student loan information.

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Financial Literacy
Provides a combination of three topics (Budgeting, Managing Credit, and Debt Management) for easy access.

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Florida Shines Bookmark
Florida Shines offers many college and career planning options for students. This combo bookmark includes links to Mapping Your Future and the Bright Futures Scholarship.

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Managing Your Budget
Provides steps for creating, implementing and maintaining a realistic budget for students.

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Managing Your Credit
Provides information for building credit, maintaining good credit, how to obtain and understand a credit report/credit score.

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NSLDS Bookmark
Provides link to National Student Loan Data System for students with federal grants and student loans.

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Repayment of Your Student Loan Debt
Provides types of student loans available, rights and responsibilities associated with student loans, repayment options and where to seek guidance.

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School and Life Management
Provides information for goal setting, time management and where to find additional support on campus.

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Stay, Stop or Drop
Provides helpful information for students facing the decision of staying in school, stopping out for a term or dropping out completely.

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Financial Aid Night Toolkit

FAFSA Lab Toolkit

Template for schools and community partners to host a FAFSA Lab. Tap or click a link below to show information about a category.